About Pastor Mike
Dr. W. Mike Runion is senior Pastor of City View First Baptist Church of Greenville, South Carolina. He has served churches in North Carolina and South Carolina. A native of Greer, South Carolina, Dr. Runion holds degrees from North Greenville University and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., D.Min. in Expository Preaching). Dr. Runion has preached in churches, crusades, and revivals throughout North and South Carolina. In addition, he has served by preaching alongside missionaries in foreign lands. Russia; Novgorod, Chechulino. Romania; Cluj-Napoca, Bistrita-Nasaud, Campia-Turzi. Brazil, Bocaiuva Do Sul; Indonesia, Malang and Haiti.


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     According to the Bible, Jeremiah 29:11-13 God has a  plan for our lives.  You are not an accident, mistake or mishap. God has a personal plan and a determined purpose for you and it includes peace, hope and a future. His plan is for our good. A plan to help you in all of life, through every joyous occasion and every trying event. Through reading, listening prayerfully to and applying God’s Word to our life we discover the wonderful plan God has for our life. 

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